
These hypoglycemia symptoms should be aware by the diabetic patients themselves. 
Whenever they have one of the symptoms, they should do the intervention accordingly.

Below pictures are to assist them in doing Self Monitoring Blood Glucose (SMBG). Any symptoms experienced by the patients, similar to the pictures, indicate that they have the hypoglycemia symptoms.

By referring to the apps, go to "My Insulin Dose" option and follow by key in the value needed such as current insulin dose and 3 consecutive blood glucose levels.

If the value is more than  6 mmol/L, the checkbox for hypoglycemia will become available. Then, the patients should tick the box if they experience any of the hypoglycemia symptoms. As a result, the final dose of insulin will automatically maintained as the current dose, according to the MEMS Guide to Insulin Therapy.

The apps has systematically been designed to have specific formula for this algorithm.